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Electro Seismic (EKS)  Unhappy Clients

Kenneth Hamilton, North Carolina.

  1. Hired the Electro Seismic for $4,700.00.
  2. Report indicated that the driller will strike 10 gpm at 245 feet.
  3. 245 feet, no water. I have the report.
  4. 400 feet no water. I will post the report.
  5. 500 feet no water.

  6. Ken contacted the practitioner, I believe the practitioner pushed the blame on to the driller.
  7. Ken made follow up phone calls; no pick up response.
  8. Practitioner will not return any phone calls.
  9. I will post name of the company, I believe from Arizona or Colorado.

There are many Electro Seismic companies across the US under different company names.

And calling the Electro Seismic (EKS) process with different names.

This technique originated from a debunked company either in Seattle or Oregon under the name of North West Aquifer.  Today it can be National Water,  or anything, Keeps changing??


Mo______  as seen in video. Not active yet

Mo was happy to read on the web, “We can tell gpm and depth”.

After he paid he read the contract and realized he was bamboozled out of $3,700.

Than he read the repot and realized the EKS was at he got ______.

See the series of Electro Seismic videos before you foolishly hire this process.

  1. His contract analyzed pointing out Red Flags, Discrepancies and Questionable verbiage.
  2. The report analyzed point out Red Flags, Discrepancies and Questionable verbiage.
  3. Needles area of California.


Ed, Los Angeles area, a practitioner/partner of a EKS franchise had failures with the instrument, called the manufacturer, reply was;

 “The EKS was not designed for California”.

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