Introduction Scientific Videos Testimonials FAQ's Aquifers
American Water Wells
Interpertation Technique Advantages Statistics Price Contact License Water Witching Drillers


    Let us try to answer a few of your frequently asked questions.  You see, many of your neighbors had the same questions, doubts, fears, concerns and hesitations when first starting out to drill a well and again after they drilled and missed due to utilizing outdated methods or taking the well driller’s misguided advice.  We will certainly do our best here to make you feel more informed about the well drilling industry and what we can honestly offer you, in terms of a solid approach that sincerely makes good logical sense. 

And please don't  hesitate to call or email for a free phone conference.

Drillers state alternatives:

You can drill Blindly next to a power pole etc.

You can use a water witcher.  See video:

Or use the questionable companies listed in number 1 to 4:

 The main question asked, how is my service more advantageous than my competitors.   I have two competitors.

tony take 1 Steve Collins.mp3

First listen to a client who used both of my competitors;

1. The  Water Prospector. Is still in his infancy.  

Short video: Water Prospector told Dan that he has no water.

Longer video: Radar Water did profiling for Dan (Anza area) with his proprietary equipment and Dan received 20 + gpm.

2, The Eks technique.  A method that has many flaws.

3. Eks.  Can the Seismoelectric instrument or the Electro-Seismic (EKS, same instrument) technique tell Gallons-Per-Minute and Depth.

 a. Answer is NO

 b.  Read a copy of the EKS’s contract carefully, note stated limitations.

 C. See Public Service Announcement (PSA)      


4. The Water Prospector.

a. Only uses one (1) software for analysis and misses a lot. His minimum depth is 700 + feet, odd.  

b. Radar Water has superior softwares, utilizing three (3) softwares. When on target, water is encountered within the range of 200 to 500 feet. Huge savings rather than drilling down to 700 feet.

c. Must see: Client video     comparing Radar Water’s analysis with the Water Prospector.


2.     Do you have a guarantee; 

a. Yes.  WaterLocating.Com's guarantee is, that if you can prove that there is a much better system/analysis out there which is consistent in identifying the gallons per minute yield (1 to 50 gpm, at a 24 hour pump test), we will survey your  drilling target at no fee. 

b. Or we will give you the same guarantee that the driller gave you  or any other company that did water locating for you.

c. Applies all across America.  We will fly to your home/parcel at our expense.


3.     What are your qualifications and experience; 

a. See the geologist's bio.

b. My technical background is electronics. 

c. Held a First Class FCC license with a Radar Endorsement. 

d. Geological instrumentation is all electronic. 

e. Assessed over 30,000 (thousand) profiles since 1991.  31 years of experience. 

f. There is no driller or other company/web page that comes close to duplicating our success/results.


4. Is your assessment based on Geology surface conditions.

a. No.  We perform a Hydrology GEOLOGICAL survey.

b. Our assessment is based on the combination of hydrology and survey data-set information.

5. What is the difference between your service compared to others;

a. Our objective is to define the major geometric features of the geological objective, “The "HEART" of the aquifer for the maximum GPM yield.

b. One 300 foot profile covers approximately 20,000 "+" square feet.

c. We do not do blind spot-checking like other companies.

d. We do not perform Spot-checking, for it  is equivalent to outdated EKS and  dowsing/water-witching technique.  Eks is a trial and error action, not an effective approach. I do not know of any happy clients that used the EKS technique.


6. What are your instrument’s limitations; 

a. NONE that I know of, out in the field.  Man made metal objects affect readings of most all Geological instruments.  We skip or delete skewed measurements and stay a safe distance away from man-made metal objects.

b. The instruments has no limitations for what it was designed for.  Water collects in fractures.  We identify the more porous and fractured earth.

7.  What is your approach to a survey;

a. We make approximately 90 electronic soundings within 900 linear feet of profiling to aid the hydro-geology data. 

b. Soundings are taken at 30 to 50 foot increments on a linear line.

8. Do you provide a franchise;

a. A licensing agreement. Better than a franchise agreement.

b. With a proprietary analysis. 

C. Earn up to $200,000.oo plus per year.


9. Is your technique or other techniques patented.

a. No.  Will never be.

b. Normally some software relating to any technique is patented but not the technique.  

c. If any technique obtains any real useable success, other companies will produce their own version of the  instrumentation with improvements.


10. Can you check out a small area for fracturing;

        a)  Yes.

11. Can anyone state direction of water flow from surface instrumentation etc;

a. No.  But we all know that most water will flow to the oceans and down hill.

b. Most water-witchers say that they can with their instruments.  This is false.

c. See the "Water-Witching” video 

12. Can you state depth of drilling;

a. Yes.  Tolerance is +, - 20 feet for each 100 feet of depth.

b. From our experience of  30 years,  we can make very good estimates to 600 feet verified by actual well logs of aquifer systems.

   See "Testimonials" @  “Tony located my aquifer…..”


13. Is it an advantage to have your hydrology process, verify other companies targets for drilling;

a. Yes.  We are interested in what we do best and would like the opportunity to show you our results compared to other instrumentations. 

b. We offer ONE free profile to you, after you received your report for a location to drill from another company, driller or water-witcher.

c. We will compare your reported results to our findings prior to drilling.

 d. To show you if you are in a zone for a productive water well.


14. This free profile is for local areas within reasonable driving distance.

a. Having this knowledge, you will most likely never drill on a water-witcher’s target or other targets that use outdated methods.


15. Have your survey results verified drilling targets selected by other companies;

a. See Video 2 of 4, minute starting at ____.

b. After seeing our PDF results, I know of nobody that has taken another company's advice.


16. To get a good well, do you do research on local wells, to review neighbors well logs.

a. Yes.  Well logs in California are now open for the public to review your neighbors well log.

b. Water is gold and most neighbors do not want you to tap into their water supply.

c. If you have an understanding of hydrology and "Aquifer Geometrics", you will realize that what your neighbor has, has no bearing on what you will receive. 


17. Are all hydro geological reporting the same as to, where to drill;

a. No!  If there were other companies, they would be able to duplicate our success consistently.

b. Hydrology reports describe the interpertation of hydrology data with different analysis stating different results. 

c. I get many concerned inquiries as to the differences of our services offered, compared to other water finding services mainly Electro Seismic and

    Water-Witching called Dowsing. See #1 above.


18. Are reports necessary;

a. For a sale of property, yes.

b. A proper survey will mention where to drill and where not to drill.  And the potential for a good well that would aid in the sale and price of the parcel.


19. Does reviewing report[s] generated by other companies help you in your survey;

a. Yes and NO. 

b. A report from a Geologist helps narrow down the location to conduct the    survey.

c. Reports mainly from water-witchers, Resistivity and EKS practitioners only tells us rudimentary information.   Has no real usefulness in our assessment.

d. Please remember; the Radar analysis does not rely on any prior reports that you received from other companies.


20. Are hydro-geological reports of water surveys accurate enough to rely on;

Our reports are.

Others are not.

Example; A driller up North, Central California (Santa Maria County or Eldorado County area) stated that he drilled 30 wells without a success, on targets that employed the  Electro Seismic spot-checking technique.


21. Is your hydro-geologic process better than others for finding water;

a. Definite Yes.  Review the "Testimonials" again. 

b. This track record has not been duplicated by other companies on the web.

c. Our last 4 hydro geology targets (2007) within/around the San Diego area,  a semi-arid area, have produced approximately 50 GPM each.  With a rain fall of only four (4) inches last year.  2013, see Vista Video, the Ernie Video and the El Cajon Video.

d. Our instrument has been modified which gave us the ability to understand "Aquifer-Geometrics" to a greater degree.

e. When a defined heart of an aquifer is running thru your parcel, we will identify it 100% of the time.

f. There is no standard in the geoelectric signature or fractured matrix of the sub-surface.  We are the best when it comes to finding the "HEART" of the aquifer.  The "Heart" is where you want to drill.


22. Can instruments for identifying gallons per minute output, tell depth accurately with consistency; 

a. No!  No instrument can tell gpm.

b. Other companies that use different instrumentation cannot tell gpm and depth from what I know and from what clients have told me.

c. Their reports contradict their advertisements with disclaimers.


23. Can the instruments that a Dowser (water-witcher) uses tell depth, water yield or fracturing.

a. No!    Never will.  2009, 3 wells in Temecula, Ca. two around 800 feet in depth and one well down to 1400 feet, no usefull water, drillers LO Lynch and Stehly Bros.  For Cross Creek Country Club.

b. Dowsers/water-witcher instruments identify ambient magnetic fields of rock volumes. Not water.

c. These magnetic fields are produced by telluric, universal (universe) and man-made energy.

d. Their instrument was the first type of instrument used by man, like the compass, that identifies natural magnetic fields known as vortex currents.

e. The Dowser's rod, identifies internal Earth (rock) vortex magnetic currents of hard rock volumes, not water.

f. See info on water-witching web page.





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 Phone         760 . 742 . 3727