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(2)  This letter of recommendation is to express my sincere gratitude to Radar Water for his expertise in aquifer geological. My neighbor, who has a one gallon per minute water well, had been told of an excellent water witching site behind his home adjacent to my property. I have confidence in technology, and when I heard of Radar Water from a good friend, I decided to have my parcel computer scanned for a good drilling site.

WaterLocating.Com scanned over the water witching site and told me that there wasn't any water there. If any it would be marginal.

WaterLocating.Com selected a site where no witcher could identify to confirm drilling.

Two well drillers and the witchers convinced me to drill on the witching target rather than Radar's drilling site. Persuaded, I elected to drill on the water witchers target .We drilled to 1200 feet and ended up with one gallon per minute.

Disappointed I called WaterLocating.Com and he assured me that a geological water target is 400% better than a water witcher's selection.

We drilled on WaterLocating.Com target and stopped at approximately 200 feet for we were receiving 18 gallons per minute.

We were relieved and thankful for now our dreams for our new home can proceed.

If we would have taken WaterLocating's recommendations and not have taken the drillers advice, we could have saved approximately $10,000.00 (Ten Thousand), in drilling expense.

Duane Pettit, Descanco, Ca.                                      Driller was Manos Drilling **


**   The mentioned driller at each Testimonial is not a recommendation to his services.

It’s to let you know that all drillers have hit numerous successful water wells on computer generated targets.  Do not let the dishonest drillers fool you.